Preachers Without Borders

Monday, November 13, 2006



This topic sounds absurd and controversial but I want you to follow through the lines and you will be smiling with me by the time we get to the end. Christianity is not stupidity! According to Jesus, if someone strikes you on the right cheek, you have to take it calmly and turn the left cheek. Well, with that, He goes further to tell you to go and pray for the person who has just given you the double slap. Good! But I do not believe that the prayer you have to pray is one that would give the enemy more strength to come and cause more pain to you. No! Come with me.

Sin is falling below or above the standard required by God. Sin occurs when God is displeased with the activities of man. Sin is seen as wickedness before God. When God identifies that someone has sinned, there are several ways God punishes the person. The commonest way God punishes people is by releasing the anointing of wickedness on his chosen ones to destroy sinners. This was a role played by the Israelites for many generations.

The anointing of wickedness is an anointing that is necessary for everyone who wants to live life and enjoy the fruits of life. Without the anointing of wickedness, evil will finally overtake you and destroy you totally in a manner that is mysterious. That is why the Bible makes it clear in Ecclesiastes 3, that

3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:3:2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;3:3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;3:4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;3:5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;3:6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;3:7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;3:8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

In the above scripture, every component has a positive attribute and a negative attribute. This connotes that negativity is part of humankind. No one can live without negativity and positivism. It is a vital part of life and the earlier people realised it, the best.

When a man identifies this as part of the world, he owes himself a duty of looking out for negativity and working with it safely. In this direction, a comparison can be made to fire; fire can be negative and it can burn a whole house. However, it is through the same fire that man cooks and undertakes many industrial activities. Therefore in using fire, man must have the skills and knowledge to control the negatives of fire. Telling yourself that fire can never be negative is a big deception with serious consequences because whether you like it or not, a time will come where fire will be destructive and you will have the duty of controlling it!

Wickedness is something that is part of life. No one can deny wickedness as something that exists on earth. It is therefore necessary for everyone to be strengthened by God for the anointing for counter-wickedness!

When one becomes a born again Christian or yields to the call of God, he or she becomes united with God. This means that the blessings of God are meant for him or her. In the same direction, the enemies of God are also the enemies of that person. Also, the genuine enemies of a person chosen by God are also the enemy of God. If a Christian fails to deal with the enemies of God and himself, he fails to honour God and this itself is sin!

Whereas some enemies can be dealt with by simple prayers, holiness and other minor activities, there is the need for the anointing for wickedness to deal with certain stubborn enemies of God. This is a divine direction and failure to do it makes a child of God an accomplice of sinners and thereby makes him an enemy of God! In the long run, such a person will end up disappointing God more than he believed he would have been.

There are certain comparisons that outline the importance of the anointing for wickedness.

1. ABRAHAM AND ISAAC: In Genesis 14, Abraham went to war with some other kings. Though he had 318 soldiers from his household, he was victorious and he killed his enemies. After the war, he became rich and paid his tithes. There were few instances where Abraham entered problems. Isaac on the other hand was peaceful. He always negotiated and was very gently. He never went to war and at the end of the day, he gave his blessings to the wrong son and later regretted.
2. JACOB AND ESAU: Esau thought there was the need to stay gentle and the birthright would come on a silver platter. Jacob, filled with the spirit of war took the precious blessings of Isaac and his descendants are enjoying to this day.
3. MOSES AND JOSHUA: Moses was very careful in obeying the statutes of God. Though he did all the will of God, he erred along the line and failed to do something God required him to do. On the other hand, Joshua, a man of war fought many battles and wherever he captured a city, he killed all the inhabitants. This was the anointing for wickedness at work, meant to destroy people who were wicked towards God. He executed it and he died a natural death.
4. GIDEON AND SAMSON: Gideon was a man of war. He was a successful general and he slew when he was supposed to slay. Samson on the other hand had sympathy towards Delilah when she was claiming he was wicked. When Samson failed to be as wicked as he was supposed to be in the sight of God, his enemies took him and used him for a sport.
5. SAMUEL AND SAUL: Samuel, though he was a prophet of God was given instructions from God. He made sure he instructed Saul the King. However, Saul had sympathy and he kept the king he was instructed to kill. Finally, he was beheaded by the supporters of that same king.
6. DAVID AND SOLOMON: David was a man of war. He was anointed with the oil of wickedness and he killed all his enemies and the enemies of God. Even God told him not to build the temple for him because his hands were soiled with blood. However, he ruled and died peacefully. On the other hand, Solomon was very gentle and wise. However, because he removed war from his agenda, the kings he aligned himself with, used subtle means to wage war against him silently and destroyed him with their daughters.
7. ELIJAH/ELISHA AND JEHU: Perhaps Jehu is the embodiment of the anointing for wickedness. Jezebel and Ahab were wicked. They needed a stronger wickedness to counter their wickedness. Elijah fled from Jezebel because he did not have that anointing for wickedness to counter it. Elisha avoided Jezebel totally because he did not have the anointing for wickedness to deal with Jezebel. However, when Elisha sent a prophet to go and anoint Jehu with the anointing for wickedness, Jehu waged war and through the war, Jezebel died and Israel became rid of idolatry.
8. ISAIAH AND JEREMIAH: Isaiah did not tolerate certain abuses from the kings of Israel and Judah. He dwelled calmly in his dwelling place and no one could come to him to talk of punishing him for delivering God’s messages. He delivered the message of God just as he was supposed to deliver it; on a ‘take it or leave it’ basis. On the other hand, Jeremiah was very gentle and persuasive. He was too sympathetic with the Jews who had become enemies of God and as a result of that, he was maltreated by the Jews. Eventually, the message he gave them were not taken and the people of Israel went to exile.
9. STEPHEN AND SILAS: Stephen found himself in the midst of the Jews but he accepted his situation. He was killed and he went to heaven. That was a good thing. However, Silas found himself in prison with Paul but he praised God and his chains were broken. He later walked away because he did something about the wickedness of the enemy by praising God. Through that, Silas probably preached to more people and ended up in Heaven.
10. PETER AND PAUL: Peter was the Rock on which Jesus promised to establish His church. Paul on the other hand, came into the scene later. He however had knowledge of wickedness but he was the first to identify that wickedness is from the spiritual realms in Ephesians 6:12. He admonished people to wrestle with wickedness from the spiritual realms. Because of this, Paul himself was always on his guard spiritually and he waged war spiritually from the spiritual realms. Because of that, Paul got a more effective method of spreading the Gospel. It is evident that Paul got that far because he was anointed with wickedness to deal with wickedness that would come ahead of him.


In life, whatever thing that benefits one’s enemies goes against him. It can be compared to the accounting theory of debit and credit, or the theory of positives and negatives in mathematics or science. When you allow the enemy to be wicked and you do not check it in ample time, it will go against you.

Life is not without wickedness. As you think positively, others think evil against you. Some wickedness demands a stronger counter-wickedness mechanism

When you live without the anointing for wickedness, you become soft and lax. You fail to draw the line between good and evil. It must be stressed that major attacks by the wicked does not come with a flag placed on it or with a mark that makes it look huge. Rather, it comes silently like any other attack. Dealing with such a major attack in a soft and gentle manner is a recipe for disaster. Without the anointing for wickedness, you become soft when you are supposed to be firm. This makes it compulsory for everyone to ask for the anointing for wickedness to counter wickedness from the camp of the enemy!

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