Preachers Without Borders

Monday, November 13, 2006



This is a geographical principle that states that when one moves to a higher height, temperature generally decreases. This principle is called temperature inversion. Temperature inversion says that with every 1 km one moves above sea level, temperature decreases by 1ºC. On the extreme, when one climbs to a height of between 8km and 16km or 5 miles and 10 miles, temperature decreases by 6.5ºC as you move higher by every 1km.

Temperature inversion happens basically because when heat, which causes temperature increases come about when the ray of the sun hits the surface of the earth. As the rays hit the surface of the earth, the air around the earth surface becomes hot and this heats the surface of the earth towards the atmosphere. Therefore temperature increases resulting from radiation causes areas closer to the earth to be hotter than areas higher above the surface of the earth. So if a land is on a mountain, it higher and the heat from radiation of a lower ground rises, it does becomes less effective before it gets to the mountain top.

As a result of temperature inversion, temperatures on lands in mountainous areas are generally cooler than temperatures on lands that are on lower lands. Thus people in the higher areas of the Rift Valley region of East Africa, Jos Plateau in Nigeria and the Andes in Peru enjoy generally lower temperatures than people on the low lying areas.

On the general level, the higher one goes, the easier things are. In establishing a business, the first few years are generally more difficult that the following years. In higher levels of professional education, it is always the first few years that are difficult because there is the need to adjust and meet the requirements of the profession. In militant warfare, when the first attacks are undertaken, everything comes naturally and easily and the war proceeds as a normal activity.


Every human being has a spiritual life that moves in a manner similar to temperature inversion. God, Satan and Human Beings work in a spiritual manner similar to the principle of ‘the higher you go, the cooler it becomes.

SATAN: Satan has been described as the controller of the world because Adam sold his birthright to him. However, the devil worked with one principle of the higher you go the cooler it becomes to enter into the life of Adam. It appears that when Satan first talked to Eve and began to convince her to disobey God, Eve had a conscience and with her conscience, she put up a resistance. At that time, it was difficult for the devil. However, after he got Adam and Eve to sin, the devil became a ‘household’ colleague to human beings. he began to enjoy easy entry and easy exit with humans and today, the devil has entered society to a certain level that certain activities of the devil are considered to be normal.

Satan has not changed from the days of Adam. To this day, the devil uses the same principle of the higher you go the cooler it becomes to enter and destroy human lives! it is observed that before a person enters into a first sin, it is always something that pricks the person’s conscience but when the devil succeeds in making the person do what he wants him to do, the person becomes addicted to that particular practise and things becomes cooler and easier for the devil to control and manipulate the person’s life. And when this goes on to a certain level, the devil assigns a spirit to control such a victim. In this kind of situation, only a strong and conscious deliverance programme can knock out such an evil spirit.

GOD: Christianity is almost always thought of as difficult and left untried. Many people, particularly young people think that Christianity is difficult so they continue to sin. But the move of God also uses the principle of ‘the higher you go, the cooler it becomes’. When one is starting a practise of Pure Christianity, it is always filled with detractions, failures and sins but as one goes further and becomes stronger in the Lord, things begin to move automatically. Christianity then becomes a pleasure journey and blessings and favour begin to chase such a person.

THE HUMAN BEING: In life, everyone is born to a mother and father. Generally, children have no spiritual backing of their own. Babies and children move in the blessings of God automatically and also, the blessings of God upon their parents. As a result of that, children do not face challenges that are as harsh as the challenges of adults.

When humans get to the teen-age, they begin to disagree with their parents and they seek things for themselves based on their own understanding. At that age, teenagers blow the coverage of God and their parents upon them and spiritually, they are on their own. At this age, when enemies begin to torment them in the realms of the spirit, there is a high likelihood that their lives would be destroyed because many teenagers tend to spend less time on spirituality. This accounts for why many teenagers fall into trouble and engage in acts that destroy their future.

In the youthful age, many people change from their wrong ways of their youth. They begin to focus and do what is socially accepted. Though many do not seek God at this age, the few who seek God are elevated and prepared for adulthood. Those who fail to seek God at this age fall into more serious spiritual problems. No wonder many people put in prison are between ages 20 and 35.

In one’s adulthood, it is common that he or she begins to get more honest and sober. At this age, people settle down to look after their families which usually consist of a spouse and a few young children at that age. here, many adults put what they learnt in their youth to practise and the get fewer challenges because they are equipped with what they need to solve most problems that come their way. This buttresses the fact that ‘the higher you go, the cooler it becomes’. At this stage, most people get closer contact with God and they are usually quick to criticise what younger people are doing.

In the old age, most people go on retirement. At this age, things become very cool! There are fewer bills to worry about especially when the individual organised his younger years very well. It is at this age that most people prepare themselves for heaven. In the Eastern Oriental religions and particularly India, many people at this advanced age, particularly those above age 70 move to the temple where they live with the hope of attaining perfection in their religion. This is an age that is very crucial.

It is conclusive that the ages between the teen-age and youthfulness that people face the biggest challenges in life. Many end up taking the wrong decision. It is at this stage that the human being needs close attention and direction. Also, due to the excessive energy in people at this age, there is tendency for them to oppose correction and direction when they need them. it is therefore best to find out subtle, interesting and entertaining method of teaching people at this age to move on the right direction

Secondly, when people get very old and they enter the age where they need to prepare themselves to enter heaven, they become so far from sin and therefore every little sin they notice with the younger generation becomes something they cannot tolerate. At this age, there is the need to exercise restraints otherwise there would be a kind of ‘war’ between the teenagers and youthful members of society that will cause the younger people to keep things away from the older people.

This calls for a close but careful knit that will enable the younger people to benefit from the wisdom older people are about to depart from the world with through discipline that would prevent the younger ones from falling into the traps and mistakes the older ones fell into. In the church also, there is a bigger need for greater co-operation and tolerance between these two extreme classes of people. The lack of co-operation has left many ‘main-line’ churches with ‘spiritually advanced’ older folks controlling affairs in a very complex system that leaves out the ‘undeveloped spiritual youths’. This only ends up pushing the youth into the grips of the devil who destroys them totally!


1. Temperature Inversion, Microsoft Encarta
2. Lectures of Mr. Abrokwah, Senior Tutor, Mfantsipim School, (1976-2000)

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